Thursday, October 29, 2009 Too busy and Too lazy to blog

This is the wonderful month of Oct and to be exact it's almost the end. It's gonna be a long long entry. Well, to make up for the missing months of course. First of all, I need to say that I'm very dissappointed that I won't get to celebrate Halloween AGAIN. I have loads of bills to pay coz my new house is on its way and there's the renovaton to think abt. Everything is revolving around money, money and more money. Actually it won't cost alot to go attend a party at someone's place but I would have to spend on the costume and the make up! So....forget it! NExt year then...again... well, at least I got attend a halloween workshop at oschool. (I wanted to be a cat! But too last min.)

About 2 weeks ago, Pudding broke her leg becoz Nana played to rough with her and apparently fracture her knee at her "growth plate". The surgery was a fairly complicated one amounted up to $1500 excluding more follow ups for bandaging and X-rays. Denjz and I had to use our savings for the renovation to pay for it and now I have to baby-sit her as she has to be kept confined till the vet says she's clear. On top of that, I have been suffering from some back pain and would really appreciate it if the money could have gone to my treatment instead, but this is life. We live in a broken down world. When you can't see God's hand, you need to learn to trust his heart. That very week, Pst Kong preached a word on the book of Job. Job, the legendary man who never cursed God for even one of his sufferings. Even when he fell from being the richest and most successful to being an outcast of society. Even when he lost all his children in a freak accident and contracted leprosy and wierd diseases. He still praised God. If everything is all smooth sailing, then we don't really need faith. God allows suffering so that we can build our immunity and capacity. James 5:11 We not only learn to endure but also to obey his word, to keep serving and giving despite our circumstances. Heb 5:7-9
For obedient endurence is the crowning mark of maturity. Tim 2.12
Well ,I just gotta trust that God will never allow things that I can't handle to happen to me and that his grace always abounds.
By His grace, My lovely vet friends V and Jac really showed me alot of kindness during this times. They stood by me and gave me discounts on some visits. Thank God for kind souls like them and yes, this is what I mean be GRACE.
So many things happened this Oct. Im tired with rehearsals, and burdened with financial issues. Every month I have to contribute at least 700 bucks into my CPF coz of the house!!! Im suffering from backaches and struggling with not being better at my job, dancing and my flexibility. But the Lord reminded me that "The soul will always be sorrowful, the flesh will always be weak but the spirit is always willing." Matt 26:36-41 So I learn to draw strength from Him for he gives living waters to those who seek him. Sometimes I wonder what's my promised land? My home? My success as a dancer? Like Moses, if God's presence is not with me then I shall not enter even into my promised land. That's my conviction, my motivation. I don't want to end up like the children of israel. Exo 32:1, 33:1, 33:12, Matt 22:37-40
Let's lighten things up a little. My wonderful team mate Kelly left for her promised land 2 weeks back. The land of the Kangeroos! How I wish to enter into my promised land too despite what I said. LOL! I love Oz. And I'm definately getting my ass over there soon! I'm so happy for her even though its sad that she's has to leave everything behind. But how many ple actually get a chance to start life anew! I give her my blessings! So if you're really reading my boring blog babe, here I wish you a whole new life of love and happiness down under... and yes, I will go see u soon.
Next week is my intermmediate Bobbis' workshop. Pity I didn't get to sign up for the advance but I trust that it is in his will that things will go according to plan despite my tantrums and the big hoo haa of the Jitterbugs receptionist..I'm excited and nervous at the same time! Next week is also our first HOOP and SILK Workshop with Vea Lee from Viva Vertical. Woo HOO!!!! I love HOOP! I love round things... ooohh LAA LAA! Just pray that my back would have recovered by then. Seriously that's the highlight of Nov. But I will give a more detailed update then, so stay tuned. (like ple actually do read this crap...)

Sept was crazy with the Super Imports. We had a fabulous time of fun and performances. The competition was really interesting to watch. Congrats to my dear KElly for coming in 2nd. You know what, it really doesn't matter. You are alrdy a champion in our eyes. Shit just happens. The contestents were really good I must say. I liked and enjoyed the variety of the different styles unlike the APS where everyone looked identical and you can't tell one from the next... The poleformers are really improving at a speedy rate despite the fact that they are relatively new to Pole. So proud of them. Ming is one hell of a woman... She is admirable for her strength, determination and ability to eat and not grow fat. Praise God for someone like her in my life to share my passion and goals..

sakura blossom falls at: 12:54 PM


You can't cage up a free spirit.

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Sand(small sis D:)

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designed by Aoi_Tomoe
image by Aoi_Tomoe
brushes by Aoi_Tomoe
Programme: Photoshop CS2
sakura choir score